Thursday, June 02, 2022

Been having water pressure problems for several week.  Thinking the water filter on my outside water line needed replacing I installed a new filter a couple of days ago.  The new filter not only did not solve the pressure problem the pressure got worse.  Late this afternoon the manager called asking if I'd been having water problems.  Seems like several of the neighbors have called him complaining about the same issue. I think the pressure pump that keeps the pressure constant in the pressure tank has gone out and will need to be replaced on the water well.  Had doctor's appointment and medical procedure in Round Rock. The PET scan I got last week showed no cancer anywhere in my body, which was fantastic news.  Met with Scott and White's financial counselor and it looks like Scott and White is going to pay for all of my treatment. At worst I'll only be on the hook for $6400 a year.  Supper was red beans and rice, corn bread, corn on the cob and franks.

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